Drink Of The Week : Earthquake

This weeks drink of the week is sure to knock you off your feet. The Earthquake is a delicious fruity drink sure to satisfy even the pickiest of drinkers. This drink has a shaky past and numerous recipes have been passed through time. The original Earthquake was created in France by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec and was a simple yet potent drink. He named it Tremblement de Terre (Earthquake) due to its effect of “shaking up” the drinker. The original recipe was a simple 3 parts Cognac and 3 parts Absinthe and as much as I love the elegant simplicity / extremely high alcohol content this recipe could not be. Some buzzkills who call themselves the “FDA” decided that Absinthe needed to be illegal for almost 100 years. This tropical mix is the best way to honor the original drink while still proving to the FDA that they can not stop your inebriation. This drink still packs a punch and it is ill-advised to consume one near any active fault lines just in case.

- 2 oz Gin
- 2 oz 151
- 1 oz Grenadine
- 1 oz Passion Punch
- 1/2 Pineapple Juice
- 1/2 Sour
- Fill Glass With Ice
- Add Alcohols
- Add Grenadine & Passion Punch - Mix
- Add Pineapple Juice & Sour
- Mix & Enjoy!
The Earthquake is so powerful drinking it near a seismograph will register at least a 6 on the Richter Scale. This is great for party tricks and getting back at those pesky seismologists across the street. While I have no idea what beef one could possibly have with earthquake scientists I am happy to fight against all establishment science. Ever since they said my career in “Alcohology” was “mumbo-jumbo,” “garbled nonsense,” and/or “drunken ramblings,” their lab coats just don’t have the same allure they used to. Make sure you share a picture of your Earthquake (or of you uprooting the core values of modern science) with us at #TheExoticNinja
Until Next Time
-The Exotic Ninja