Drink Of The Week : Rum Runner

This week’s drink of the week is The Rum Runner. This delicious summertime drink is perfect for a party at the beach or drinking around a kiddie pool. This Rum based drink was created both as an homage to the rum smugglers who inhabited and worked the Florida Keys at the time of it’s original concoction, and out of necessity. In 1972 at the now famous Holiday Isle Tiki Bar in Islamorada, Florida, the owner and bartenders were faced with massive overstock. In an attempt to clear up space for the new inventory coming in the owner challenged his bar manager, aptly nicknamed “Tiki John,” to create a drink out of the excess rum. His creation the Rum Runner would become so popular that there is now a statue in it’s honor at the place of it’s birth.

Rum Runner
- 1 oz. Light Rum
- 2 oz. Lemon Juice
- 1/2 Paradise Punch
- 1/2 Sour mix
- Lemonade Kool-Aid Powder
- Fill Glass With Ice
- Add Rum
- Add Mixers For Flavor
- Add Kool-Aid Mix
- Stir & Enjoy!
In honor of Tiki John throw you and your friends a fabulous tiki party this weekend, pull out those torches, fire up the barbecue, and fill up that kiddie pool. Remember the secret to making sure the party keeps going: designate a Rum Runner of your own to make sure you never run dry. The Rum Runner is certain to spice up your next party. But when you drink it make sure to tip your glass to Tiki John, and make sure to take a picture of your Rum Runner and share it with #ExoticNinja (21+ Please)
Until Next Time
-The Exotic Ninja