Drink Of The Week : The Black Russian
This weeks drink of the week is the Black Russian. The Black Russian is one of the premiere technologies to come from the Cold War. This delicious mix of vodka and coffee liqueur was created in 1949 at the Hotel Metropole in Brussels. The bartender Gustave Tops mixed it in honor of Perle Mesta, then the U.S. ambassador to Luxembourg. The drink has spawned thousands of offshoots and nowadays you can get: A Dirty Black Russian, An Australian Black Russian, An Irish Russian, even A Vader Russian. As much as I love the plethora of name options I am a simple man, just give me one called “An Alcoholic Drink,” and I’ll be content. Regardless of the color or creed of your drink as long as it has Russian in the name your liver is sure to love it.

Black Russian
- 2 oz Vodka
- 2 oz Kahlúa
- Fill Glass With Ice
- Add 2 Oz Vodka
- Add 2 Oz Kahlúa
- Stir & Enjoy!
Be careful when enjoying this drink as public intoxication is sure to get you sent to the Gulags. (They don’t let you drink in there, those monsters.) Make sure you take pictures of your *insert descriptive word here* Russian and share it with #TheExoticNinja (21+ only please)
Until Next Week
-The Exotic Ninja