20 Must Have College Party Accessories Pt. 1 (21+ of course)

Welcome to the Exotic Ninja’s first of many “College Party Accessories” guide. We all love alcohol but sometimes it needs something more, and with these party supplies together we can turn your dorm room into the most happening place on campus. Before you know it the Dean will be knocking on your door… asking someone to pour him a shot.
20: Credit Card Bottle Opener For Your Wallet – Stainless Steel
We all know that guy who thinks its cool that he can open bottles with his teeth, do you really want that guy around? This sleek stainless steel bottle opener fits right in your wallet and soon everyone will know that if you are around the party can keep going. Finally something to put in your empty wallets that’s more useful than that buy one get one half off cheeseburger coupon.
As beautiful as those scratched up dorm walls are, you won’t miss them with this poster proudly displayed. For when you are too drunk to look up recipes and sick of pounding beers and cheap vodka, this poster provides 35 clear recipes to keep the party going. Or use it as 35 reasons to start the party, either way this colorful poster will have you and your friends feeling like professional bartenders in no time.
Whether you are looking for a relaxing night of shooting hoops or you finally want to school your more athletic friends on the court this basketball shot game is for you. With instructions included or the option to create your own game this game is sure to provide hours of entertainment. As Wayne Gretsky said “you miss every shot you don’t take” so start taking shots and “taking shots.” This game is a real slam drunk… er dunk.
With this portable beer pong table you’ll no longer be stuck hastily shoving all your school work off your desk to try and make a suitable table. Plus the fact that it is inflatable means you can spruce up that old kiddy pool your mom still has in the garage. Easy to store, transport, and setup. With the American Flag design you aren’t just shooting for yourself, you’re shooting for your country. Uncle Sam wants you… to get drunk.
The perfect shot glass for parties, friendly gatherings, or just one person wanting to drink a lot. A great way to bond with your friends or convince them to drink more then they intended. Be warned the taller the person you are taking the shot with, the more you are going to drink. Make your friends look good by drinking more or make them take one for you. Regardless of how you do it the Wingman Shot Glass is the best way to form a bond with a new roommate, friend, or fun professor.
All of these college party accessories are sure to make your next dorm room party the hottest one on campus, and with the Exotic Ninja’s personal recommendation you can’t go wrong, or stay sober.
Until next time
-The Exotic Ninja